The Inside Out Pilates Difference

Classes have a maximum of seven guests per class. This allows more one on one attention. Each session starts with with rebounding to lift your spirit, warm your body and give you that cardio bump. Soft music follows, accompanied by a talk to calm, educate and inspire you.
Mind: You are given tools to help you change your thoughts, focus your mind, and create a strong healthy body.
Body: Visual Aids are used to teach you about the miracle that is your body. How your muscles work, what they do, how your bones work with your muscles and how that all turns into a Pilates movements. Once the mind and body are warmed up - it's time for 40 minutes of focused Pilates movements.
Spirit: Quiet time helps you connect with who you are behind your eyes... your spirit.
And just so you don't leave all woozy and fuzzy headed you are pumped up with some up-beat, happy music.
You will leave feeling energized and ready to carry on with your day.
Ask anyone who comes to Inside Out Pilates and they'll tell you how much they love coming here.
Enjoying what you do keeps you coming back.
“If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.”
-Andy Rooney